Redefining Wellness: Harnessing Epigenetics and Consciousness for Healing

Our perceptions, experience, and behaviors actually communicate in reverse through the RNA channel to the DNA, and can change gene expression and actually alter DNA.

The implications for this knowledge are exciting when we can appreciate how, by turning on and off certain genes, we are allowed access to the library of knowledge on how to optimize health and longevity.

Epigenetics, the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself, has significant implications in psycho-oncology treatment. Our perceptions, experiences, and behaviors can communicate in reverse through the RNA channel to the DNA, potentially changing gene expression and even altering DNA. This knowledge opens exciting possibilities, as we can potentially turn on and off certain genes, accessing a wealth of knowledge on how to optimize health and longevity.

When we understand that consciousness is not a static entity but a process and potential for constructing reality, we can appreciate that everything in our animate universe, including the very matrix of our cells, is consciousness.

Consciousness is the organizing principle for all things, determining the arrangement of universal energy into matter and non-matter, and the arrangement of DNA information into its various forms.

Digital Molecular Structure Concept

Empowering Healing Through Mind, Emotions, and Quantum Medicine

Dr. Hranicky has developed a refined system of teaching core concepts that tap into the power of the mind and emotions to alter the course of cancer. These concepts can be applied to any illness or to anyone wanting to optimize their health or quality of life in general. Some of the key tenets of their program are built on enhancing and strengthening core attitudes associated with desirable outcomes, longer-term survival, and general improved states of well-being. These include, but are not limited to, hope, trust, and spiritual purpose.

  • Spiritual Purpose: We are all here for a reason and our life has great meaning.

  • Trust: Having confidence or faith.

  • Hope: To cherish a desire with anticipation without any necessary basis for expecting fulfillment; to expect with confidence.

The burgeoning field of quantum medicine allows us to view the human body as an electrical/electromagnetic system. The human body carries a charge, which in turn influences the larger Quantum Field. Consciousness is the organized carrier of information. Just as each person has their unique "personality templates", each individual also has their unique "Bio-Energy Field Frequency Patterns”. Consciousness is the catalyst for emotional change. Emotions carry a charge, and this charge is the agent of change within matter. The more charge a unit of matter possesses, the more it can change. The significance of healthy emotional change is profound in the vitality of our healing properties.

Group of smiling people posing energetically with arms raised in a cheerful indoor setting.

Personalized Wellness Plans

Tailored plans to address individual needs and promote overall well-being.
Group of people posing outdoors with hands raised, smiling in a tropical setting.

Mind-Body Therapies

Integrative therapies to support mental and emotional health during cancer treatment.

Take the First Step Toward Transformation—Join Us Today!

Unlock your body’s healing potential with our unique blend of holistic therapies and cutting-edge science. Reserve your spot now and embark on a life-changing journey to optimal health.
Natural medicine

Day 1: Welcome and Introduction to the Mind-Body Connection

  • Overview of the program and its holistic approach.
  • Introduction to the Pleasure-Freeze Theory: Understanding stress responses and their impact on the body.
  • Begin exploring how the autonomic nervous system plays a key role in healing and disease progression.
Vegetables and a measuring tape on the background of a nutritionist who provides online advice.

Day 2: The Metabolic Approach to Cancer & PsychoNeuroImmunology

  • Discussion of cancer as a metabolic disease and its connection to stress physiology.
  • Introduction to the Simonton Cancer Center's PsychoNeuroImmunology program: "Getting Well Again" and its impact on cancer recovery.
  • Emphasis on regulating the nervous system for optimal health outcomes.
Woman with closed eyes practicing mindfulness and relaxation at home

Day 3: Harnessing the Power of Your Mind for Healing

  • Deep dive into Dr. Hranicky's PsychoNeuroImmunology Model: The power of the mind in influencing cancer recovery.
  • Techniques to rewire thoughts and emotions for enhanced healing and well-being.
  • Learn how to charge your "battery" and minimize distress patterns for optimal health.

Cancer: A Whole Body Disease

Cancer is a disease of the whole body, while a tumor is a symptom. Treating the whole body, not just the tumor, is essential. We all have cancer cells in our bodies, but it takes about a billion cancer cells for a tumor to form. This process takes years, so upon diagnosis, remember that you have time to consider your treatment options.

The Body's Toxicity and Building Up
A tumor indicates high toxicity in your body. Being diagnosed with cancer can significantly impact your immune system. It's crucial to start the "building up" process by improving your diet, taking nutrition seriously, and beginning detoxification. The stronger you get, the better you'll respond to treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Colonics can be very beneficial for cancer patients who are typically toxic. Regular bowel movements are crucial, and if they are not occurring daily, a colonic should be considered. Skin brushing can also be helpful.

Detoxification methods include saunas, homeopathy, herbs, juice fasts, and chelation (pulling heavy metals out of the body). Intravenous Vitamin C is used in this process. The National Institute of Health (NIH) has proven that intravenous Vitamin C can produce high enough blood levels to kill cancer cells. It is frequently used in doses of 50,000 milligrams over the course of 1 ½ hours.

Reducing toxicity is a crucial step in cancer treatment, often overlooked in traditional medical schools. This process, often referred to as "Drainage," involves neutralizing and eliminating toxins in the body. The key organs involved in this process are the liver, kidneys, and the lymphatic system.

Mercury can be found in toxins from teeth, in sea foods like tuna and swordfish, and in the atmosphere from coal burning. Even the trade winds that blow from China to California carry vast amounts of mercury from the Chinese industrial coal production. Studies have also found that 10% - 20% of New York City’s population have elevated levels of mercury. So mercury is a key toxin. The other heavy metals that are toxic would be cadmium and lead. Cadmium in cigarettes acts as a toxic metal. We are also exposed to enormous amounts of pesticides which have an affinity for the pancreas - the pancreas creates digestive enzymes.

It is imperative to have balanced hormones and to optimize hormonal output. A vast majority of cancer patients have too much insulin (a major hormone) on account of too much sugar. It is important to increase estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone when indicated, and to maximize adrenal output by making sure that cortisol and DHEA are not low. Then we confirm that you have optimal levels of thyroid hormone.

Geopathic Stress
There is a frequency called the Schumann frequency; this is a nourishing frequency that out of the crust of the earth at 7.82 Hz corresponds to the alpha brain wave. People always talk about being in the alpha state in terms of meditation, and the 7.82 Hz frequency has been found to not only support life, but enhance it. Unfortunately, there are many electromagnetic frequencies that we are exposed to everyday that are harmful to the human body.

We’re all carrying a huge load of bugs, whether you call it candida, or chronic viral syndromes.

Trusted by those we've helped


What is Hranicky Protocol?

The Hranicky Protocol offers holistic health services to support individuals during their cancer journey.

Who can benefit from this program?

Anyone affected by cancer, including patients, survivors, and caregivers, can benefit from our program.

What services are included in the program?

Our program includes nutritional guidance, stress management, physical activity, and emotional support.

How can I join the program?

You can join by contacting us through our website or by calling our office directly.

Do I need a referral from my doctor?

No, a referral is not required to join our program.

Experience Transformative Holistic Cancer Care

Join our program to improve your well-being today.